Thursday, February 24, 2011

Whangamata - Day 2

Feb. 24, 2011
Surf Sessions = 9
Km Driven = 5070

Another glorious sunny day was met with glee as George got not 1, not 2 but 3 surf sessions in today...and a bit of sunburn as he did not keep up with the sunscreen regimen needed here in NZ. Here they measure UV risk on a scale of was listed as 12 (extreme). It seems that SPF 60 needs to be re-applied more than just once or twice in a long day in the sun.
Alisa even went out and grabbed a few waves in between playing with Maia on the beach.
Today the surf is quite big. There are a number of breaks in the area, but the most popular one is The Bar at the mouth of the river here in "Whanga". From shore it looked to be at least single-overhead and extremely hollow with about 40-50 surfers out. It was definitely a day for the "locals". George skipped the opportunity as there was a lot of jockeying in the lineup and it is just not his type of vibe. Needless to say he had solid overhead surf at the beachbreaks and had a great time. Alisa spent a lot of time with Maia in the water and on the sand, much to Maia's glee...George just needed to get as much surfing in to burn off some steam so it was a good day for all.

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