Sunday, February 20, 2011

Kappa Haka: Part 2

Feb. 20, 2011
Surf Sessions = 4
Km Driven = 5100

We drove back into Gizzy for the finals – held in a serious downpour!  It rained all day and just got heavier as the day went on!  What we were really involved in was a Maori “Woodstock” complete with non-stop rain, mud, great performances and an overall great vibe! It was totally worth being there despite the discomfort of being soaked to our skivvies for 6 hours.  Our favorite group did not win, but did give a stellar performance.  While all of the groups sport both real and painted on Moko (traditional tattoo art) this group had a red/orange body paint as well that really emphasized their fantastic moves!  We bought some of the stamps issued for the occasion. 
I forgot to mention that there were wood carving demonstrations, weaving, jade (pounamu) carving, and more.  There were also booths for universities, health groups, fisheries, and so much more there.  Maia scored free balloons, postcards, an apple, a bag, posters…a bit like trick or treating!
However, it was so wet on the day of the finals and everyone was so glued to the action that there was not so much of this going on for the last day.  The “water slide” was still happening though, and the line of mud-nymphs was just as long!
When it was over we warmed up at a pub with grub and hot drinks.  Back at our cabin, we all slept well.

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